Container Component

The Container is used to group components into a collapsible object. You can add as many components as you need as long as the combined audio and Control Pins do not exceed 100 inputs and 100 outputs coming in and out of the Container. The inputs/outputs within the Container has no limit.


There are no Controls for the Container component.

Using the Container

  1. After dragging the Container Component into the Schematic, enter a Name, and select the Input Count and Output Count in the Properties.
  2. If you select Password Protected - Yes:
    1. Enter a password. The password is case-sensitive.
    2. Press the Tab key or click in the Confirm field.
    3. Retype the password. Initially the popup is red, when both the password and confirmation are entered and agree, the popup turns green.
    4. Press Enter. When you attempt to open the Container's Control Panel you are prompted to enter the password in order to gain access.
    5. Notes:
      • If you attempt to change the Container's Password Protected Property from Yes to No, you must enter the password to make the change.
      • You can delete the password protected Container component without the password.
      • You can copy a password-protected Container, the password is copied to the new container.
      • Be sure you remember the password, if you forget, it cannot be retrieved.
  3. Set the Input Count and Output Count, then open the Container's Control Panel, the Container is sized based on the number of inputs/outputs. You can resize it to meet your needs.
  4. The Input pins are on the left side of the Container, and are numbered to match the Input pins on the Container component.
  5. The Output pins are on the right side of the Container, and are numbered to match the Output pins on the Container component.
  6. If you delete a Container, all the components in the Container are deleted.
  7. You can copy and paste Container components, including the components and wiring inside the Container component. If you copy and paste a Container with an Inventory component inside, a new Inventory component, of the same type, is added to your design's Inventory.
  8. You c
  9. You can add any of the Inventory components except the Core and the I/O Frame, including any of their components.
  10. You can drag controls from the control panel of components to virtually build a custom, collapsible control panel.






User-defined name uniquely identifies the Container.

User input

Input Count 1

Sets the total number of audio and control inputs.

0 to 100

Output Count 1

Sets the total number of audio and control outputs.

0 to 100

Password Protected

Allows you to restrict access to the Container's Control Panel.

No / Yes

1. Initially, before making any connections, the Container component has diamond shaped external connectors. When you connect an audio type connector to one of the Container's internal connectors, the Container's external connectors change to circles, indicating audio. The same is true for the Control Pin connectors - the external connectors change to squares, indicating Control Pins.

Control Pins

There are no Control Pins for the Container component.

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